In Detail

Research shows that exposure to positive words and concepts can significantly influence behavior, while studies on the priming effect reveal that seeing words related to virtues like honesty can encourage honest behavior.

Social Learning Theory supports that observing and reading about values helps individuals adopt those behaviors. Environmental cues and character education programs have also proven effective in promoting ethical behavior and positive attitudes.

By strategically placing positive words and messages, we can subconsciously guide our children, towards adopting these values and virtues in their daily lives.


More details:

The priming effect in psychology refers to the phenomenon where exposure to one stimulus influences the response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious awareness. This occurs when the introduction of the first stimulus activates an association or representation in memory just before another stimulus or task is introduced. Therefore, by presenting the virtue we would like our children to adopt, it would be present unawarely, improving the behavior.

For example, if a child is exposed to the word "kindness," they may be more likely to exhibit a kind behavior shortly after because the concept of kindness has been activated in their memory. Priming can be related to various stimuli, such as words, images, or even behaviors, and can influence perceptions, behavior, and learning.

In terms of nurturing children positively, priming can indeed be applied. Research suggests that primers triggering concepts like self-control, morality, empathy, sharing, and helping can increase prosocial behavior in children.


In practice, parents and educators can use priming to foster a positive environment for children by:

- Introducing positive concepts and language that encourage prosocial behavior.

- Modeling desired behaviors themselves, as children are likely to imitate what they observe.

- Creating a supportive learning environment where children are exposed to materials and experiences that prime them for success.


By carefully considering the stimuli that children are exposed to, it's possible to use the priming effect to nurture their development in a positive direction.


  • Discipline for a more disciplined behavior.
  • Self-control for a more controlled child.
  • Kindness for a more compassionate son.

Pick the key virtue for your child to work on, and see his/her life improve.



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